APrIGF 2018
Workshop Proposal Online Submission Form

*Any incomplete and duplicated proposals will not be considered by the Program Committee. Valid workshop submissions will be reflected on the event website within 48 hours. Proposals updates can be made within the submission deadline should you have any changes.

Please ensure you have read through the Workshop Submission Guideline to understand the requirements and expectations before submitting a workshop proposal.

To make the event a success, as a workshop organizer is expected to:

  • Be inclusive and foster new connections among participants
  • Respect diversity of opinion, religion, experience and background
  • Design your workshop to fit under one of the APrIGF subthemes
  • Respect your time allocation, plan to maximize the use of the time available
  • Invite different organizations or projects to collaborate on the workshop with you
  • Promote the APrIGF among your network and promote your session
  • Submit Workshop Summary Report within 2 weeks after the conference
  • Participate in the development of the Synthesis document and contribute with the insights from your workshop discussions.

Part I: Leading Organizer

1. Contact Person:
2. Affiliation/Organization:
3. Title: (Optional)
4. Email:
5. Contact Number:(Optional)
6. Country/Economy of Residence:
7. Stakeholder Groups:

8. List organization, partners for this workshop proposal (if any).

Please provide full name and email contact

Part II: Workshop Proposal

9. Your Proposal is for

10. Workshop Title:

11. Sub-Themes:

12. Workshop Format:

** Logistic support for your workshop: Some workshop formats require an enabling environment to work more effectively. Although the Secretariat and the Local Host cannot guarantee that all requests would be granted, please take a minute to indicate at the Remarks question what seating arrangement will work better for your format and if there are any additional tools you might need. Every room will have a screen and projector.

13. Estimated duration:

14. Specific Issues of Discussion and Description:

(In 200 words or less, describe the issues to be discussed during your session. Provide as much details about the methodology and scope of the discussion. Be clear and concrete.)

15. Describe the Relevance of Your Workshop

(In 200 words or less, elaborate how the issues addressed in your workshop relate to the sub-themes selected and how will the discussions contribute to the overarching theme)

16. Agenda:

(Describe how time will be managed/distributed if your session is accepted. Provide as much details about the role of the facilitator and how participation with the audiences will be managed. Be clear and concrete)

17. Please provide 3 subject matter tags that best describe your workshop. :

(e.g. #Privacy, #Big Data. #Youth Engagement #Capacity Building)

18. Expected Moderator

Full NameOrganizationDesignationCountry/Economy
of Residence
Stakeholder GroupStatus of Confirmation

19. Proposed Contributor(s)

(Please consider the diversity when inviting moderator, subject matter experts and contributors to the discussion. If you need assistance in finding a suitable candidate to contribute to your workshop, please specify your request in Remarks.)

(All fields are compulsory. If the dedicated person from an organisation is not confirmed yet, please input "representative" and indicate "TBC" on title. Leave the entire row blank if you have less than 6 speakers. )

Email Prefix Full Name Gender Organization Title Country/Economy
of Residence
Stakeholder Group Status of Confirmation Photos Profile

Part III: Additional Information

20. Please explain the rationale for choosing each of the above contributors to the workshop.

21. Have you submitted other workshop proposals for APrIGF 2018? Please state the workshop ID.

workshop ID:
22. Have you organized any workshop at APrIGF before? If yes, please provide the links to the previous workshop proposal and summary


23. Please declare if you have any potential conflict of interest with the Program Committee 2018. If yes, please detail the person and his/her level of engagement on your workshop proposal.

(e.g. 1 or more of the PC members are co-hosting/moderating/speaking at the workshop)


24. Are you planning to apply for the APrIGF Fellowship Program 2018?

25. Is the workshop organization heavily dependent on the fellowship support?

(Please note that the Fellowship Program 2018 is evaluated separately under the Fellowship Committee with a different process. Workshop organizers and speakers are expected to self-finance their travels and accomodation.)

26. Remarks (If any)

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